Friday, January 4, 2013

Six Tips for Making Social Media Work for your Business

January 4th, 2013

I'm so proud to have created our new subdivision KD Linked, to help our clients wrestle the social media monster.  Here's a great article by my Director of Client Services, James Maxim.  So glad to have him on board!  - Kelly Joseph
Six Tips for Making Social Media Work for your Business – by KD Linked Director of Client Services, James Maxim

Charles Nelson, the President of Sprinkles Cupcakes, sums up the impact of social media in one of my favorite quotes.  He said, “Businesses used to have a small suggestion box near the door…Rarely would someone get back to you. But people can now make a post from an iPhone or a BlackBerry while they’re sitting in your restaurant.” 

Imagine winning the hearts of customers, getting word of mouth advertising (or a negative review) instantly.  Future sales being affected without your knowledge, assistance or marketing dollars spent.  Welcome to the Social Media Age.  As consumers, we have been given a voice and have a lot to be thankful for.  As business owners, we have to be on our toes and make sure each transaction has our best efforts behind it.  The conversation is already going on; the only question is whether or not you have a voice in it. 

When social media began taking off, I wasn’t sure I needed to be part of the movement.  I was doing fine with email, thank you.  But before long, interaction became a necessity; as a quick way to get in touch with fellow grad school students and stay in touch with old friends or former colleagues.  I was no longer in danger of dropping out of touch, because my “electronic placeholder” was always there, right where I left it.  Much like the microwave, cellular phone and GPS, social media quickly went from being a helpful, fun tool to an addictive requirement of being an adult. 

With the increased level of interest came the need for businesses to tackle the challenges provided by the various platforms.  People wanted to connect, contact, review, share and talk about their favorite (or least favorite) companies, brands and services.  That has not stopped, or even slowed down.  These days, it is considered a vital part of the marketing budget and branding activities of most companies, and rightly so.  According to Dave Kerpen’s book, Likeable Social Media (2011, McGraw Hill) “Currently, more than 600 million people are registered Facebook users.”  Before you go thinking it’s just the younger generations, Kerpen informs us that “in the United States alone there are more than 20 million users over age 60.”  Social media, like Rock & Roll, is here to stay.

The difference is, it’s not just for big brands anymore…local, neighborhood mom & pop shops have profiles, followers and contests running through social media.  People can actually get perturbed if they visit an establishment and are not able to check in, like or follow it through social media channels.  It’s like dead air on the radio; a big no-no.  Does it affect your business?  Yes.  Especially if there’s no profile for clients to refer to their friends with a click. 

Remember when a movie star would sign a headshot, which would then be hung above the cash register in a local eatery?  Things have changed.  Ask singer Carly Rae Jepsen.  She became an overnight sensation, when her song skyrocketed to the number 1 position on the Billboard 100 after a single Tweet from Justin Bieber introduced her to his fans.  How many fans?  As I’m writing this, his Twitter following is 24 million strong, and climbing.

So the question is not, “Should you utilize social media platforms for your business?”  The question is, “How?”  Well you’re in luck.  Below are six steps that any business can and should follow to break ground in the social media world.  Together we can make it a fun adventure, rather than an uncomfortable, time consuming process.  Good luck! 

I.      Start with the Basics
·         It’s a big, crazy, social world out there.  Before you go charging into every technical nook and cranny, focus on the heavy hitters.  At the moment, those are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 
o        Facebook allows you to create a business page, complete with photos and links to your website, which can then be “Liked” by anyone wishing to keep in touch with your updates. 
o        Twitter is similar, but updates are limited to short bursts of information (140 characters or less, thank you). 
o        LinkedIn is like Facebook for professionals and will provide your company with a home base for employees, clients or professional contacts.  It lends you credibility and lets people know you’re for real.

II.      Follow the Rules
·         Before you go through the trouble of uploading pictures, creating profiles or posting everywhere that you’re up and running, remember; each platform has rules for formatting profiles.  Check out each platform’s Help section to be aware of them. 
o        For instance, some platforms allow you to post specials, contests or big, fancy links to your website and hours…Some do not.  Don’t go through the effort only to have it shut down by the powers that be.

III.      Choose Your Voice
·         Be yourself, but be the best You you can be.  Choose a voice that represents your company in the right light, making sure that voice is honest and genuinely attached to the business you are in. 
o        This is exactly why I never take on a client without meeting them, understanding their needs and attitudes and maintaining a close level of familiarity with the personalities involved in the day to day operation of the business.  The most effective social media platforms allow people to connect with people.  People…not brands, products or services. 
o        Small businesses know this better than big, stodgy brands throwing their weight around.  Why do you think you hear people complaining when their small town bank no longer has a small town feel?  Or that they can’t get a human being on the phone?  That’s right; customers are actually human beings, as I’m sure you’ve realized.  The human element is what determines if you’re a successful small business owner or not.  This must translate through to your social media platforms.  
IV.      Learn from the Best
·         Take a look at what’s out there and what’s being said.  Emulate what you like, ignore what you don’t.  The web is full of tutorials, top-tens and ideas for making your entrance something noteworthy in a world of electronic noise.  You can bet that strong brands with big budgets have put a lot thought and energy into getting their look right.  You’re not looking for copyright infringement here, just ideas.

V.      Let People Know
·         Believe it or not, if people like the way you do business, chances are they are already looking for a page they can like or share with friends.  It stands to reason that building a following can translate to increased sales when it comes time for someone to need a particular product or service.  Therefore:
o        Post signs at your place of business informing people that you are on a particular social media platform, making it easier for them to search for it.
o        Update your website with links to the profiles – social media platforms have small logo icon buttons that you can place inconspicuously on your page to let people connect with you, without even having to leave your site. 
o        Likewise, put those logos on everything that could touch a customer; business cards, receipts, bags, etc.  

VI.      Pay Attention
·         You’re up and running, you’re an expert (or at least can fake it well enough for now).  You have your first Like, Follow, ReTweet, etc., you’re all set, right?  Wrong.  The most important step is to take the time to update your social media platforms frequently (but not too frequently) and pay attention to your audience. 
o        This is not a cardboard cutout of your business; it is an extension of your marketing and customer service departments.  Watch the kinds of updates they applaud and share and what they don’t. 
o        If someone messages you through an online channel, be ready to respond quickly.  And they will.  Consumers will reach out to you, complain, ask questions and tell you what they like.  Be grateful.  Information is power.  But remember, with great power comes great responsibility.  Never forget what a privilege it is to be accepted into your customers’ network and therefore their mobile devices, homes and lives. 

Well, that’s enough to get you started.  Welcome to the new age.  Go forth and conquer.  There are always resources to help if needed.  They are out there; on laptops, phones and tablets.  They are offering you their attention, their hard earned money and potentially their loyalty.  My advice is not to squander that.  To do that you need to follow some very old, wise advice.  The kind your mom gave you before your first day of school.  Be helpful, share interesting facts about yourself, listen carefully and be a good friend.  Do that and you’ll go far; in person, online and anywhere else.  Feel free to contact me at KD Linked.

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